Welcome To The Octopunx Beta!

Our site officially launches on

February 15, but as an IndieGogo

backer, you can see it now!

Sign up for a "Beta Membership" - don't worry, you'll

change it to be whatever you bought on IndieGogo later.

We will be rolling out video content and features all

thru the Beta, but for now please create your account

and head over to the Community Corner to start

meeting folks and posting your fanworks!

Note that you will need to log into the community corner

with your Octopunx info, and it might take a couple

log in attempts before it sticks. But once you're logged

in to both of these sites, the session should maintain

even if you close your browser.

Welcome To The Octopunx Beta!

Welcome To The Octopunx Beta!

Welcome To The Octopunx Beta!

Our site officially launches on

February 15, but as an IndieGogo

backer, you can see it now!

Sign up for a "Beta Membership" - don't worry, you'll

change it to be whatever you bought on IndieGogo later.

We will be rolling out video content and features all

thru the Beta, but for now please create your account

and head over to the Community Corner to start

meeting folks and posting your fanworks!

Note that you will need to log into the community corner

with your Octopunx info, and it might take a couple

log in attempts before it sticks. But once you're logged

in to both of these sites, the session should maintain

even if you close your browser.

Our site officially launches on February 15, but as an IndieGogo

backer, you can see it now!

Sign up for a "Beta Membership" - don't worry, you'll change it to be whatever you bought on IndieGogo later.

We will be rolling out video content and features all thru the Beta, but for now please create your account and head over to the Community Corner to start meeting folks and posting your fanworks!

Note that you will need to log into the community corner with your Octopunx info, and it might take a couple log in attempts before it sticks. But once you're logged in to both of these sites, the session should maintain even if you close your browser.

Our site officially launches on

February 15, but as an IndieGogo

backer, you can see it now!

Sign up for a "Beta Membership" - don't worry, you'll

change it to be whatever you bought on IndieGogo later.

We will be rolling out video content and features all

thru the Beta, but for now please create your account

and head over to the Community Corner to start

meeting folks and posting your fanworks!

Note that you will need to log into the community corner

with your Octopunx info, and it might take a couple

log in attempts before it sticks. But once you're logged

in to both of these sites, the session should maintain

even if you close your browser.