DEMOGORGAAAAAN! Enjoy our ongoing series of restored Dead By Daylight VODs, where our group of survivors take on killer Austin in his various forms.

First episode features our EJI Charity stream, featuring Steve Harrington vs. Pyramid Head. Second episode. we reunite Greg, Smallwood and Sara to mostly take on the Demogorgon, complete with Austin's ludicrous voice mods.

Streaming Availability: Worldwide, free and paid memberships

Featuring (rotating): Michael Smallwood, Michelle Iannantuono, Austin Bytts, BakaSara, DomLerrys, Maximilian Koger, Pillowcatt, Tasha Schaeffer

Original Air Date: October 2020-November 2022
Episodes: 2
Total Run Time: 2 hours min

Language: English

Subtitles: English auto generated, may contain mistakes.

Content Disclaimer: Game shows blood, gore, violence, and horror elements. Players use occasional strong profanity and innuendos. No nudity or explicit sexual content displayed.